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<p>KUMPULAN CONTOH PROPOSAL SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS THE EFFECT OF THINK ALOUD STRATEGY TOWARD STUDENTS READING SKILL: STUDY AT 9THGRADE SMP NEGERI 19 MATARAM IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014</p><p>CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThis chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study, statement of the problems, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, assumption of the study, and definition of key terms.1.1.Background of the ProblemLanguage is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being.In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such as, Nababan (1991: 4) notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method or technique to the material that is being taught.In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.Oneof the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987).Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988).In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teachinglearning process. In this case, the researcher concerns with theeffectof think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014.1.2.Statement of ProblemBased on the background of study above, the problem of the study is as follows:1.To what extent is the achievement of students Reading skill instudy at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014?2.To what extentis the effectof think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014?1.3.Objective of the StudyBased on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding out:1.The achievement of students Reading skill instudy at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014.2.The effectof think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/20141.4.Significance of the StudyThe result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically:1.Theoreticallya.The result of this study is expected to be able to widen the skill of teachers in using think aloud strategy in order to improve students reading skill.b.As a reference to other researchers who want to study think aloud strategy more intensively in teaching reading.2.Practicallya.The result of this study is suggested to apply the think aloud strategy to increase the students competence in English reading skill.b.The use of think aloud strategy in reading can make the students are more enjoyable in doing their tasks associated with the reading materials.1.5.Hypothesis of the StudyA hypothesis is a statement of the research assumption about the relationship between two variables that the researcher plans to test within the framework of the researcher study (Kumar, 1993: 9).The hypothesis of this study was prepared as a tentative answer for the research problem stated previously. In this case the alternative hypothesis as read follow:Think Aloud Strategyhas effect towardStudents Reading SkillBecause of statistical computation the alternative hypothesis need to be change into null hypothesis (Ho)as follow:Think Aloud Strategyhas not effect towardStudents Reading Skill1.6.Scope and Limitation of the StudyThe scopes of the study are limited to the subject and object investigated.1.SubjectThe subject of thisstudy at 9thgrade SMP Negeri 19 Mataram in academic year 2013/20142.ObjectThe object of this study is the effect of Think aloud strategy towards students reading skill.</p><p>1.7.Definition of Key TermsIn order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are putforward.1. Think-aloud have been described as 'eavesdropping on someone's thinking.' With this strategy, teachers verbalize aloud while reading a selection orally. Their verbalizations include describing things they're doing as they read to monitor their comprehension. The purpose of the think-aloud strategy is to model for students how skilled readers construct meaning from a text. The think-aloud strategy asks students to say out loud what they are thinking about when reading, solving math problems, or simply responding to questions posed by teachers or other students2. Readingis a kind of activity in translating written symbols into corresponding sound.Reading skills enable readers to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals ofindependence,comprehension, andfluency.3.Reading skillis the capability of understanding or getting information from reading material.4.StrategiesAccording to Gony and Kingsmey (1974:12) the strategy is a process of individual behavior which modified or changed through practice or learning on the other hand.5.Effect is words indicate things, which arise out of some antecedent, or follow as a consequence.</p><p>CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE</p><p>This chapter presents about some related information topic of the recent study. It is intended to provide some theoretical concepts which could support this investigation. The discussion is presented under the following sub headings:1) Theory of think aloud, 2) Using of think aloud, 3) The nature of reading, 3)Concept of reading, 4) Aspect of Reading Comprehension, 5)Comprehension Skill, 6) The relatedStudy and 7)The Role of Background Knowledge in Comprehension, and 8)Theoreticalframe work.</p><p>2.1.Theory of Think aloudIn this research, it was decided to implement the think-aloud strategy because it was used as an instructional approach, and also because this strategy helped readers to comprehend more easily what was being read by them. Afflerbach and Johnston cited by McKeown and Gentilucci (2007), claim that think-aloud serves firstly as a method of measuring the cognitive reading process, then as metacognitive tool to monitor comprehension. In that sense, the think aloud is appropriate for this study because through this strategy the students can monitor their comprehension process.Another definition of this strategy is provided by Pressley et al. in McKeown and Gentiluccis (2007) work: think-aloud is one of the 'transactional strategies' because it is a joint process of teachers and students working together to construct understandings of text as they interact with it (p. 1). Through the interactions that think aloud promotes, a better understanding of the texts may emerge in the classroom. Think aloud is also a process in which readers report their thoughts while reading (Wade 1990). It helps students to reflect upon their own reading process.In a similar way, Keene & Zimmerman, (1997) declare that think aloud is a technique in which students verbalize their thoughts as they read (p. 1). Thus, this strategy is useful because students are verbalizing all their thought in order to create understanding of the reading texts. Another illustration about think aloud is provided by Tinzmann in Teacher Vision website (2009), he says that:When students use think out loud with teachers and with one another, they gradually internalize this dialogue [..] it becomes their inner speech, the means by which they direct their own behaviours and problem-solving processes. Therefore, as students think aloud, they learn how to learn, and they develop into reflective, metacognitive, independent learners, an invaluable step in helping students understand that learning requires effort and often is difficult.This argument encloses all the issues that imply think-aloud in a reading process. Think aloud are also used to model comprehension processes such as making predictions, creating images, linking information in text with prior knowledge, monitoring comprehension, and overcoming problems with word recognition or comprehension (Gunning, 1996 in teacher vision). These sub-strategies will be defined in the ensuing sections.The think-aloud is a technique in which students verbalize their thoughts as they read and thus bring into the open the strategies they are using to understand a text (Baumann, Jones, & Seifert-Kessell, 1993; Davey, 1983; Wade, 1990). Readers' thoughts might include commenting on or questioning the text, bringing their prior knowledge to bear, or making inferences or predictions.These comments reveal readers' weaknesses as well as their strengths as comprehenders and allow the teacher to assess their needs in order to plan more effective instruction2.1.1.Using of Think AloudHow to use this strategya.Explain that reading is a complex process that involves thinking and sense-making; the skilled reader's mind is alive with questions she asks herself in order to understand what she reads.b.Select a passage to read aloud that contains points that students might find difficult, unknown vocabulary terms, or ambiguous wording. Develop questions you can ask yourself that will show what you think as you confront these problems while reading.c.While students read this passage silently, read it aloud. As you read, verbalize your thoughts, the questions you develop, and the process you use to solve comprehension problems. It is helpful if you alter the tone of your voice, so students know when you are reading and at what points you begin and end thinking aloud.d.Coping strategies you can model include:Making predictions or hypotheses as you read: 'From what he's said so far, I'll bet that the author is going to give some examples of poor eating habits.'Describing the mental pictures you ' see' : 'When the author talks about vegetables I should include in my diet, I can see our salad bowl at home filled with fresh, green spinach leaves.'Demonstrating how you connect this information with prior knowledge: 'Saturated fat'? I know I've heard that term before. I learned it last year when we studied nutrition.'Creating analogies: 'That description of clogged arteries sounds like traffic clogging up the interstate during rush hour.'Verbalizing obstacles and fix-up strategies: 'Now what does 'angiogram' mean? Maybe if I reread that section, I'll get the meaning from the other sentences around it: I know I can't skip it because it's in bold-faced print, so it must be important. If I still don't understand, I know I can ask the teacher for help,'e.Have students work with partners to practice 'think-aloud' when reading short passages of text. Periodically revisit this strategy or have students complete the assessment that follows so these metacomprehension skills become second nature.2.2.The Nature of ReadingReading is an active cognitive process of interaction with print and monitoring comprehension of establishing meaning which means the brain does not work in reading, the pupils get information by comprehending the massage and the teacher motivate the pupils to read (Lado, 1961: 65). Furthermore, Gloria (1988: 43) States that the definition of reading comprehension is most likely to occur when pupils are reading what they want to read, or at least what they see some good reasons to read.Lado (1961: 56):Reading in the foreign language consists of grasping meaning in the written language. In this case, reading foreign language is the grasping of full linguistics meaning of what is to read in subject within the common experience of the culture of which the language is a central part. He further maintains that linguistics means to include the denotation conveyed by language to all speakers of it is as opposed to meaning that are receptive only by those have specific background information not known by the other speakers in general. In other word, there are some purposes of reading such as reading for specific items of information, for general and detail information in a given field, etc. other types of reading, for example readings for literary appreciation are properly the real of reading in the native language.</p><p>Learning to read a new language, the pupils must read carefully, some aloud; moreover some questions are also important of the passages, as in the following statement by Berry (1956: 44):There must be question on the text, this essential. The questions are to help the pupils understanding every detail on the passage, for example, the passage is about hide and seek. It means that the questions on the passage are able to facilitate the pupils understanding of the passage; the children are playing hide and seek in the playground, and the question are (1) who is playing hide and seek in the playground ? (2) What are the children playing in the playground? (3) What are they doing in the playground and where are they playing hide and seek?</p><p>Psychologists and the reading experts have been conducting extensive research in the nature of reading and the sequential development of language skill. Among discoveries of the researchers, as stated by Lewis and Sisk in Gerry (1956: 34) are:(a) reading is not a single skill but an interrelated process of many skill, (b) reading is development process, in other words, reading comprehension develops sequentially as pupils nature, (c) there are developmental pattern from grade to grade and from year to year, but wide variations in reading ability exist among pupils in any grade or of any age, and (d) there are no basic reading comprehension which can be taught or learned once or for all, they are merely simpler or more difficult levels of reading proficiencies, which can be taught to pupils..</p>
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