Fortigate Software Switch Vs Hardware Switch

Fortigate Software Switch Vs Hardware Switch Average ratng: 5,5/10 3550 reviews

Feb 11, 2014 - Disabling switch mode isn't as straight forward as putting the one. And will require you to deleted the virtual hardware/software switch that is. A software switch, or soft switch, is a virtual switch that is implemented at the software, or firmware level, rather than the hardware level. A software switch can be used to simplify communication between devices connected to different FortiGate interfaces.

Hardware vs Software Switch I have a FortiGate 100D running 5.0.2. I' ve just converted the default ' internal' interface switch to interface mode and now I would like to bridge only a few of the freed-up 16 ports together to make another interface just for FortiAPs. In the past, I' ve used software switches for other things, but I now see ' hardware switch' is an option when I go to create the new interface. I just want to confirm that a ' hardware switch' is what should be used for this. Thanks for any insight. I could only find info on the software switch in the docs - nothing about the hardware switch option.

P h ys i ca l FortiGate units have a number of physical ports where you connect ethernet or optical cables. Depending on the model, they can have anywhere from four to 40 physical ports. Some units have a grouping of ports labelled as internal, providing a built-in switch functionality.

In FortiOS, the port names, as labeled on the FortiGate unit, appear in the web-based manager in the U n i t Operation widget, found on the Dashboard. They also appear when you are configuring the interfaces, by going to S ys t e m Network Interface.

As shown below, the FortiGate-100D (Generation 2) has 22 interfaces. Two of the physical ports on the FortiGate-100D (Generation 2) are SFP ports. These ports share the numbers 15 and 16 with RJ-45 ports. Because of this, when SFP port 15 is used, RJ-45 port 15 cannot be used, and vice versa.

These ports also share the same MAC address. Con f i gu r i n g the FortiGate-100D ports Normally the internal interface is configured as a single interface shared by all physical interface connections – a switch. The switch mode feature has two states – switch mode and interface mode. Switch mode is the default mode with only one interface and one address for the entire internal switch. Interface mode enables you to configure each of the internal switch physical interface connections separately. This enables you to assign different subnets and netmasks to each of the internal physical interface connections. The larger FortiGate units can also include Advanced Mezzanine Cards (AMC), which can provide additional interfaces (Ethernet or optical), with throughput enhancements for more efficient handling of specialized traffic.

These interfaces appear in FortiOS as port amc/sw1, amc/sw2 and so on. In the following illustration, the FortiGate-3810A has three AMC cards installed: two single-width (amc/sw1, amc/sw2) and one double-width (amc/dw).

In t e r f ac e settings In S ys t e m Network Interface, you configure the interfaces, physical and virtual, for the FortiGate unit. There are different options for configuring interfaces when the FortiGate unit is in NAT mode or transparent mode.

On FortiOS Carrier, you can also enable the Gi gatekeeper on each interface for anti-overbilling. I n t e r f ac e page C r ea t e New Select to add a new interface, zone or, in transparent mode, port pair. For more information on configuring zones, see Zones. Depending on the model you can add a VLAN interface, a loopback inter- face, a IEEE 802.3ad aggregated interface, or a redundant interface.

When VDOMs are enabled, you can also add Inter-VDOM links. I n t e r f ac e page The names of the physical interfaces on your FortiGate unit. This includes any alias names that have been configured. When you combine several interfaces into an aggregate or redundant inter- face, only the aggregate or redundant interface is listed, not the component interfaces.

N a m e If you have added VLAN interfaces, they also appear in the name list, below the physical or aggregated interface to which they have been added. If you have added loopback interfaces, they also appear in the interface list, below the physical interface to which they have been added. If you have software switch interfaces configured, you will be able to view them.

If your FortiGate unit supports AMC modules, the interfaces are named amc-sw1/1, amc-dw1/2, and so on. T y p e The configuration type for the interface.

I P / N e t m as k The current IP address and netmask of the interface. In VDOM, when VDOMs are not all in NAT or transparent mode some val- ues may not be available for display and will be displayed as “-”.

A ccess The administrative access configuration for the interface. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Status Indicates if the interface can be accessed for administrative purposes. If the administrative status is a green arrow, and administrator could connect to the interface using the configured access. If the administrative status is a red arrow, the interface is administratively down and cannot be accessed for administrative purposes.

L i n k Status The status of the interface physical connection. Link status can be either up (green arrow) or down (red arrow). If link status is up the interface is con- nected to the network and accepting traffic. If link status is down the inter- face is not connected to the network or there is a problem with the connection. You cannot change link status from the web-based manager, and typically is indicative of an ethernet cable plugged into the interface. Link status is only displayed for physical interfaces.

M A C The MAC address of the interface. M od e Shows the addressing mode of the interface. The addressing mode can be manual, DHCP, or PPPoE. S ec ond a r y IP Displays the secondary IP addresses added to the interface. I n t e r f ac e page M T U The maximum number of bytes per transmission unit (MTU) for the inter- face. V i r t u a l Domain The virtual domain to which the interface belongs.

This column is visible when VDOM configuration is enabled. V L A N ID The configured VLAN ID for VLAN subinterfaces. I n t e r f ac e configuration and settings To configure an interface, go to S ys t e m Network Interface and select C r ea t e New. N a m e Enter a name of the interface. Physical interface names cannot be changed. A li a s Enter an alternate name for a physical interface on the FortiGate unit. This field appears when editing an existing physical interface.

The alias can be a maximum of 25 characters. The alias name will not appears in logs. L i n k Status Indicates whether the interface is connected to a network (link status is U p) or not (link status is D o w n). This field appears when editing an existing physical interface. T y p e Select the type of interface that you want to add.

On some models you can set T y p e to 802. 3a d Aggregate or R e dund a n t Interface. I n t e r f ac e Displayed when T y p e is set to V L AN. Select the name of the physical interface to which to add a VLAN inter- face.

Once created, the VLAN interface is listed below its physical inter- face in the Interface list. You cannot change the physical interface of a VLAN interface except when adding a new VLAN interface. Displayed when T y p e is set to V L AN. V L A N ID Enter the VLAN ID. You cannot change the V L A N ID except when adding a new VLAN interface. The VLAN ID can be any number between 1 and 4094 and must match the VLAN ID added by the IEEE 802.1Q-compliant router or switch con- nected to the VLAN subinterface.

V i r t u a l Domain Select the virtual domain to add the interface to. Admin accounts with superadmin profile can change the V i r t u a l D o m a i n. This section has two different forms depending on the interface type: P h ys i ca l Interface Members. S o ft w a r e switch interface – this section is a display-only field show- ing the interfaces that belong to the software switch virtual interface. 3a d aggregate or Redundant interface – this section includes available interface and selected interface lists to enable adding or removing interfaces from the interface.

Select interfaces from this A va il a b l e Interfaces list and select the right arrow to add an interface to the S e l ec t e d Interface list. A dd r ess i n g mode Select the addressing mode for the interface.

Select M a nu a l and add an I P / N e t m as k for the interface. If IPv6 configuration is enabled you can add both a IPv4 and an IPv6 IP address. Select DHC P to get the interface IP address and other network settings from a DHCP server. Select PPP o E to get the interface IP address and other network set- tings from a PPPoE server. Select O n e- A r m Sniffer to enable the interface as a means to detect possible traffic threats.

This option is available on physical ports not configured for the primary Internet connection. Select D e d i ca t e to FortiAP/FortiSwitch to have a FortiAP unit or FortiSwitch unit connect exclusively to the interface. This option is only available when editing a physical interface, and it has a static IP address. When you enter the IP address, the FortiGate unit auto- matically creates a DHCP server using the subnet entered. This option is not available on the ADSL interface. The FortiSwitch option is currently only available on the FortiGate-100D.

I P / N e t m as k If A dd r ess i n g Mode is set to M a nu a l, enter an IPv4 address/subnet mask for the interface. FortiGate interfaces cannot have IP addresses on the same subnet. I P v 6 Address If A dd r ess i n g Mode is set to M a nu a l and IPv6 support is enabled, enter an IPv6 address/subnet mask for the interface. A single interface can have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address or just one or the other. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Access Select the types of administrative access permitted for IPv4 con- nections to this interface. H TT P S Allow secure HTTPS connections to the web-based manager through this interface. If configured, this option will enable automatically when selecting the H TT P option.

P I N G Interface responds to pings. Use this setting to verify your installation and for testing.

H TT P Allow HTTP connections to the web-based manager through this inter- face. If configured, this option will also enable the H TT P S option. SS H Allow SSH connections to the CLI through this interface. S N M P Allow a remote SNMP manager to request SNMP information by con- necting to this interface. T E L N E T Allow Telnet connections to the CLI through this interface. Telnet con- nections are not secure and can be intercepted by a third party. F M G – A cces s Allow FortiManager authorization automatically during the com- munication exchange between the FortiManager and FortiGate units.

Fo r t i H ea r t B ea t You can configure a FortiGate interface as an interface that will accept FortiClient connections. When configured, the FortiGate unit sends broadcast messages which the FortiClient software running on an end user PC is listening for. CA P W A P Allows the FortiGate unit’s wireless controller to manage a wireless access point, such as a FortiAP unit. I P v 6 Administrative Access Select the types of administrative access permitted for IPv6 con- nections to this interface. These types are the same as for Admin- istrative Access.

S ec u r i t y Mode Select a captive portal for the interface. When selected, you can define the portal message and look that the user sees when logging into the interface. You can also define one or more user groups that have access to the interface.

DHC P Server Select to enable a DHCP server for the interface. For more information on configuring a DHCP server on the interface, see DHCP servers and relays. D e t ec t and Identify Devices Select to enable the interface to be used with BYOD hardware such as iPhones.

Define the device definitions by going to U se r & Device Device. A d d New Devices to Vul- nerability Scan List This option appears when D e t ec t and Identify Devices is enabled. When enabled, the FortiGate unit performs a network vulnerability scan of any devices detected or seen on the interface. The vul- nerability scan occur as configured, either on demand, or as sched- uled. E n f o r c e FortiHeartBeat for all Fo r t i C li e n t s Available when Fo r t i H ea r t B ea t is enabled for the A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Access. Select to enable sends broadcast messages which the FortiClient software running on a end user PC is listening for.

Once enabled, the FortiGate unit broadcasts a discovery message that includes the IP address of the interface and listening port number to the local network. All PCs running FortiClient on that network listen for this discovery message. E n a b l e Explicit Web Proxy Available when enabling explicit proxy on the S ys t e m Information Dashboard ( S ys t e m Dashboard Status).


This option is not available for a VLAN interface selection. Select to enable explicit web proxying on this interface. When enabled, this inter- face will be displayed on S ys t e m Network Explicit Proxy under L i s t e n on Interfaces and web traffic on this interface will be proxied according to the Web Proxy settings. E n a b l e STP With FortiGate units with a switch interface is in switch mode, this option is enabled by default. It enables the single instance MSTP span- ning tree protocol. L i s t e n for RADIUS Accounting M essa g e s Select to use the interface as a listening port for RADIUS content. S ec ond a r y IP Address Add additional IPv4 addresses to this interface.

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Select the Expand Arrow to expand or hide the section. C o mm e n t s Enter a description up to 63 characters to describe the interface. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Status Select either U p (green arrow) or D o w n (red arrow) as the status of this interface. U p indicates the interface is active and can accept network traffic.

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D o w n indicates the interface is not active and cannot accept traffic. G i Gatekeeper (FortiOS Carrier only) For FortiOS Carrier, enable Gi Gatekeeper to enable the Gi firewall as part of the anti-overbilling configuration. You must also configure G i Gatekeeper Settings by going to S ys t e m Admin Settings.