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Kilojoules (kJ) to kilocalories (kcal) energy conversion calculator and how to convert.
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Kilojoules to kilocalories conversion calculator
Enter the energy in kilojoules and press the Convert button:
How to convert from kilojoules to kcal
Kilojoules to thermochemical / food kilocalories
1 kcalth = 4.184 kJ
The energy in kilocalories E(kcal-th) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.184:
E(kcal) = E(kJ) / 4.184
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal) = 5 kJ / 4.184 = 1.195 kcal
Kilojoules to international kilocalories
1 kcalIT = 4.1868 kJ
The energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.1868:
E(kcal-IT) = E(kJ) / 4.1868
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal-IT) = 5 kJ / 4.1868 = 1.194 kcalIT
Kilojoules to 15°C kilocalories
1 kcal15 = 4.1855 kJ
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The energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.1855:
E(kcal15) = E(kJ) / 4.1855
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal15) = 5 kJ / 4.1855 = 1.195 kcal15
Kilojoules to 20°C kilocalories
1 kcal20 = 4.182 kJ
The energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.182:
E(kcal20) = E(kJ) / 4.182
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal20) = 5 kJ / 4.182 = 1.196 kcal20
See also
Valve sizing calculator Valve sizing calculator Warning - Javascript must be enabled for this page to work correctly! Simple calculation Extended calculation and choice of actuator Step 1. Simple Kv calculation Flow: Pressure drop: Step 1. Calculation of Kv and choice of actuator Calculation of Kv via the flow Calculation of Kv via the dimensioned effect and differential temperature Flow: Dimensioned effect kW: Differential temperature across the control object °C: Media: Pressure drop: Select the valve with the nearest higher pressure drop Note: May lead to incorrect valve selection. Options Find a suitable valve actuator Supply voltage: Control signal: Choose connection Connection: This option will only affect the choice of valve when selecting 'Application' in step 2. Calculate valve authority from the choice of valve Total pressure drop in the system: Step 2.
Choice of valve Application: '; OR Valve range.
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