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Nov 20, 2015 - nority is limited by “institutionalized barriers to po. Stepping into a market economy to survive. 109 “Pobeg iz SIZO #50: A. Musuraliev prokhodil po delu o krazhe materialov ugolovnogo dela po maroderstvu,” Gezitter,. -zaochno-arestovan-po-delu-o-krazhe-kartiny 2016-12-10T08:58:08+03:00.

Extraterritorial application of national law: the experience of collective reaction of Latin American integration associations The issue of extraterritorial jurisdiction is a subject matter not only of scientific discussions, but also, at times, serves as a reason of serious complication of interstate relations. On the one hand the national jurisdiction often possesses extraterritorial action on the basis of existing norms of international law, and with another, can be used unilaterally with infringement of the established international legal norms.

The «extraterritorial expansion» of the national law of the USA meets growing repulse in various regions of the world including Latin America. However for today no one Latin American integration association has developed uniform and, especially, system approach to the practice of extraterritorial application of the national legislation though some important manifestations of a uniform position are observed. The issue of improvement of legal regulation of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports The article considers ways of improving international legal cooperation of States in the field of physical culture and sports. Offers more concepts and definitions, the development of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports. The author proposes to allocate the direction of development of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports. These areas are considered in the article. It is noted that international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport, is a form of integration and cooperation.

It seems relevant in light of intensified integration of the development of international and regional organizations with participation of the Russian Federation. The basis of international cooperation should become an international legal policy, the definition of which offers readers. Attention is drawn that the active position in the implementation of this policy must take all-Russian sports federations as subjects of physical culture and sports. In light of that, the author believes that their activities should not be limited to interaction with international sports federations. In considering international cooperation in the field of sports, the author refers to the history of the issue, the cooperation of organizations such as the international labour organization and the international Olympic Committee, and later the UN, UNESCO, EU, COE and other regional organizations.

It is noted that the international sports cooperation contributes to the stabilization of peace and tranquility in all continents, the creation of healthy and safe working conditions and training of workers, improving the quality of life. The Foundation for international cooperation in sport should be not only professional sports and sport for all, to enable the participation of all groups, and especially youth, persons with disabilities, women. The author proposes to develop programmes not only in international cooperation in the field of sports, but also in various national level where the key should be the role of organizations of workers, employers and local authorities and administration, NGOs, various sports organizations.

The role of the International Court of Justice in resolving territorial conflicts (on example of Africa) The article deals with the problem of the effectiveness of the International Court of Justice and its decision-making in territorial conflicts on the example of the African continent as a territory, a problem of which is often reflected in the ICJ advisory opinion. The conclusion is that the performance of its mission to address assigned to it disputes the UN International Court of Justice makes a significant contribution to the development of International law. The arbitration rules UNCITRAL 1976 and the rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and industry of the Russian Federation in the redaction 2013:general and special The article deals with topical issues of international commercial arbitration, international commercial regulations compared Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation in 2013 and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976 are allocated their common and specific features. Revealed the role of modern international commercial arbitration as an alternative form of consideration of international private law disputes, its relevance in cases where the national legal system of the state demonstrates a lag of modern requirements of international economic turnover. The article says that at the conclusion of an international contract the parties should pay attention to the fact that the choice of the regulations of the same arbitration body will change the order of the proceedings.

Finally, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve the activity of the arbitration structure. Keywords: international commercial arbitration, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the rules of international commercial arbitration court, arbitration, foreign trade disputes. Work bibliographic list 1. V., Kosovskaja V. Mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh kak sposob zashhity prav storon vneshnejekonomicheskoj sdelki // Aktual'nye problemy juridicheskogo obespechenija prav cheloveka: sb.nauch. Mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola.

Vitebskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. Masherova / Red.: A. Bochkov (otv. Ivashkevich i dr.

Vitebsk, 2015. The European system of human rights protection The aim of this paper is to study the European human rights protection system.

The main methods of achievement are formally-legal, system, comparative legal, separate logical techniques. The article is of a theoretical nature and explores some aspects of the regulatory and judicial protection of human rights in European Union law. The paper has consistently indicated the evolution of the normative human rights protection mechanisms in the EU, there is the problem of the current process.

Applied aspect provides an analysis of the procedure for the protection of human rights of special bodies in the European Union. Principles of the private international law The analysis of the doctrine and the content of the private international law as a national area of law indicates that the principles of both the Russian civil law and a specific area law run within the scope of the private international law. They all occupy their own niche and fulfill their specific role in the course of regulation.

The area law principles of the private international law have a broad interpretation. It is not limited to their application to the regulatory framework of the private international law but spreads to the financial and conflict-law regulation. Comparative legal analysis of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the responsibility for committing theft In the article the comparative analysis of criminal law on liability for theft of another's property in the criminal code of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, studied jurisprudence. The analysis showed the similarity of legal regulation of responsibility for stealing someone else's property. Same concept, characteristics theft, qualifying and particularly qualifying. Signs of theft by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion; with illegal penetration into a premise or other storehouse, a dwelling; from pipeline, oil pipeline, gas pipeline; an organized group (in the criminal code – criminal group); in large or especially large size; the same end of the theft. Article 158 of the criminal code is reflected in the causing significant damage; the theft of clothing, bag or other hand Luggage, were at the victim.

Article 188 of the criminal code provided for aggravating circumstances, which are not in the criminal code: repeatedly. The notion «legal regime» as a part of publications’ titles:between the «chimera» and «metaphor» The article is devoted to the investigation of the usage of the category «legal regime» in the scientific works of the Russian jurists in theoretical and branch researches. The author has attempted to explain the growing popularity and mass usage of the category «legal regime» in the Russian law. The necessity of development of a new concept of the category «legal regime», for example, in the line of the realistic tradition in understanding of the law is proved. Unambiguity of perception: fundamental weaknesses and possible solutions on the example of the phenomena of “repress” in the legal environment This article can be considered a continuation of an existing block of publications of the researcher (as in the text), but it can be considered as independent study, one of the fundamental, according to research signal, issues a strictly scientific interpretation and perception of an objective sense of the existence of a separate multivalued (many-sided) facts. We are talking about the 'problem of uniqueness', as named by the researcher, perception (explanation, understanding, reading, commenting, etc.) and possible ways of re-solving 'the problem of uniqueness', using a modern scientific Institute of tool (in addition to those already shown us in previous publications), the 'axiom of ambiguity'. On the role of moral-norms in regulation of public relations of peoples of the North Caucasus: history and contemporaneity Discusses the problems associated with the role of morality and ethics in the regulation of social relations of the highlanders of Dagestan, as well as Ossetians, Kabardinians, Balkarians in the nineteenth century, examines the reasons for the devaluation of moral and ethical values in present but also an attempt to define the role of moral priorities in the development of civil society.

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In comparative aspect the specifics of the studied etiquette of the peoples of the North Caucasus region, and identifies educational opportunities etiquette norms of traditional culture, grounded methods, forms and techniques of Gorsky etiquette in the regulation of social relations. Ideologists of education about private property sources:on the example of creativity of J. Lock and J.-J. Rousseau The article is dedicated to the critical analysis of the two directions educationistic to ideology in which frameworks John Lock and Jean-Jacques Rousseau had been developed the doctrine about private property sources. Having studied the scientific and educational literature, having revealed the basic conceptual provisions of these interpretations of genesis of a private property, the author has made an attempt to reveal the general and especial between them.

The formation of the basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century In the article the process of formation of basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century, who played a significant role in the development of international law in General and its different branches. On the basis of historical and legal analysis of primary sources (international instruments of the reporting period) and the scientific literature defined the principles that have legal registration in the specified period. It is concluded that the principles are legally enshrined the level of development of international law and identified common trends in the development of the cooperation of the States in the next phase of their interaction.

Author analyzes the evolution of the state of legal guardianship and trusteeship studying the position of trustee rights starting in 1918. This period is interesting because it appeared to the desire of the Soviet authorities to improve the guardianship of minors without associating it with the principle of estates. At the heart of building relationships - public-public nature of the care and custody of the predominance of the individual over property management. The content of the article also includes advanced features aspects of family law relations in the sphere of guardianship and custody, indicate possible directions of development of legislation in this area.

Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, online dispute resolution, information and communication dispute resolution technologies, online arbitrage, arbitration proceedings, electronic document management. Work bibliographic list 1. Reglament Lipeckogo oblastnogo tretejskogo suda (v redakcii ot 8 janvarja 2015 goda Postanovlenie # 8, ot 11 avgusta 2015 goda). Jelektronnyj resurs – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. S jekrana (data obrashhenija: ).

The problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of the competence of the representative body of a municipal formation in the Russian Federation The article deals with the problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of competence of the representative body of the municipality in the Russian Federation in the context of the ongoing municipal reform. The author identified common elements of competence of local governments are identified, as well as elements on which is based the distribution of powers of the representative body of local government from other local governments. Provides a detailed analysis of the norms of federal legislation, the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts (within the Urals Federal District), in which the identified gaps and conflicts that prevent the consolidation of regulatory competence of the representative body of the municipality. Based on this analysis, the author formulated the definition of a representative body of local government and the classification of its authorities, proposes a universal mechanism for securing legal authority of the representative body at the municipal level. Family as an object of constitutional legal regulation The article reveals the peculiarities of the constitutional legal regulation of the family institution in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is that the legislation of the Russian Federation that implemented the rules of international law does not define the concept of 'family', and related phrases (young family, foster family, etc.). Whether disclosed the same for all branches of the law the concept of «family» – remains an open question.

Many of the regulatory legal acts of Federal level and level of subjects of the Russian Federation, raznoexport this question make its solution challenging. The author explores the validity of the use of a particular method for protecting property rights, taking into account the specificity and limits of these rights. The task of the Civil law is to restore to the owner the possibility of the violation of property rights, in particular – the return to the owner of the violated possession of a thing, as well as the elimination of other violations of property rights, even if they were not connected with deprivation of possession.

The aim of the article is to analyze the actual problems of protection of property rights and other proprietary rights. The author analyses the conventional “legal institution” approaches, tax law institutions already recognized between scientists, and applies them to the current rules. As the result of the research, the author concludes, that rules of the Section V.1 of the Russian Tax Code on the transfer pricing tax control in Russia form a separate legal institution.

It regulates specific public relationships between a taxpayer and a tax authority on tax control of the arm’s length principle compliance in transactions with related parties as well as recovery of the state material interest in case of the arm’s length principle incompliance. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k zakonoproektu # 305289-5 «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju i vtoruju Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh polozhenij Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v chast' pervuju Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» v svjazi s sovershenstvovaniem principov opredelenija cen dlja celej nalogooblozhenija». Jelektronnyj resurs.

–Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija ). The value of work of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in the system to strengthening the law and order activities The author considers the essence, significance and objectives of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens and officials, as well as groups in the current system to ensure the rights and freedoms of a man and citizen, as well as the strengthening of law and order throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The Quran as source of Islamic criminal law Islamic law is considered one of the most complicated and most interesting in the world. It organically intertwined religious beliefs, which the Muslims are ready to unquestioningly follow, ethical dogmas, the violation of which could cause legal liability, moral principles, which make to fear of punishment, and legal requirements that are contingent and fragmented. For a long time Muslims did not require the existence of criminal law as such, but, in fact, the Koran and so was warned about a possible outcome, if Allah's will is broken. In this article our focus is on the Qur'an as the primary source of Islamic criminal law, which is confirmed by its substantial and semantic aspects.

The procedure for resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence In the article the authors reveal some of the features of the hearing in the resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence, and indicate the need for amendments to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation regarding the timing of the hearing and of the requirement under appointment of the court session at the court session that is associated with the resolution of issues arising from the execution of the sentence. The basis of the operational-search activity in combating crime in the global computer networks The object of the research paper is to analyze the causes of crime growth in computer and telecommunication systems, to evaluate the role and methods of struggle against them the operational divisions of internal affairs bodies. The basic types of network criminogenic facilities, as well as activities aimed at the Russian Interior Ministry system to their effective prevention, detection and suppression. Significant attention is paid to the places of concentration of important information quickly on the Internet. The work is to develop the main directions of implementation of the operational-search measures against computer crime. The author notes that legislative regulation of the specified principles is insufficiently exact and substantial.

The special attention is paid to research of the principle of publicity which is ambiguously treated in scientific literature. It is noted that in spite of the fact that he has not received direct fixing in the Federal law 'About Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation', nevertheless separate provisions demonstrate its implementation. A conclusion about feasibility of more accurate legislative fixing of the closed list of the principles of the organization and activities of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation became a result of the conducted research that will allow to exclude wrong idea of the real principles of the organization and activities of the specified law enforcement agency, and their ambiguous interpretation. The questions raised in article are of scientific and practical interest.

Problematic aspects constructive interaction between the employees of the traffic police with the participants of traffic as a factor in increasing road safety Currently, the car is not a luxury item and is a mandatory attribute of nearly every adult citizen. Unfortunately, not all car owners comply with the traffic rules, because of what creates an emergency situation on the road for other drivers and pedestrians, and as a result – the commission of a road traffic accident. Employees of DPS traffic police frequently conducted raids and events dedicated to the prevention of accidents and road accidents, but that for unscrupulous drivers and pedestrians a little. To effectively control the traffic situation must be constructive interaction between the staff of DPS traffic police and road users. Problems of allocation of penalty to minors for the further their improvement The article deals with the problematic aspects of the imposition of penalty to minor. The effectiveness of certain types of appointment of punishments applied to the minors is evaluated, the author suggests various ways of its improving. Some recommendations of the inclusion of the new but more effective forms of penalty to the system of juvenile punishment are worked out by the author.

A new concept of 'substitute' penalties is introduced, which is also should be included to the Criminal Code in relation to juveniles. Keywords: allocation of penalty to minors, the use of compulsory labor, juvenile correctional work, restriction of freedom of minors. Work bibliographic list 1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 fevralja 2011 g.

# 1 «O sudebnoj praktike primenenija zakonodatel'stva, reglamentirujushhego osobennosti ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i nakazanija nesovershennoletnih». Jelektronnyj resurs. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija g.). Prospects of development of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation In the article prospects of formation of juvenile justice, creation of juvenile courts and application of juvenile technologies in courts in Russia are investigated.

The author subjected to the critical analysis the last scientific publications on this subject, analyzes acts in the field of prevention of criminal and other deviant behavior of minors, the practician of application of juvenile technologies in regions of Russian Federation. Features of the organization of the investigation of crimes related to extremist activities Abstract: In order to combat crimes related to extremist activities, a high level of organization and activity of law enforcement agencies, the widespread introduction of the investigative practice of scientific investigation methods. In order to optimize the investigation of crimes related to extremist Dey-FAD is defined subject of proof, the groups of typical investigative situations initial stage of investigation, each of which proposed actions algorithms. Keywords: war, information war, game, mimesis, sacralization, agonality.

Work bibliographic list 1. Komp'juternaja igromanija kak faktor pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih // Aktual'nye problemy prava i pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom jetape Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii; pod obshhej redakciej V.A. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, Novorossijskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, OOO«Izdatel'skij Dom - Jug». Ensuring personal security of staff of department of internal affairs in situations with application of a service weapon and special means Ensuring personal security of staff of law-enforcement bodies is the important factor promoting the qualified performance of its office tasks. In this article the concept ensuring personal security reveals, stage-by-stage actions in critical situations are described, the special attention is paid to formation of psychological readiness of the employee for actions in extreme situations. Also the bases of application of firearms and special means are given, instructions for use by the weapon and the ban connected with its use are provided.

Development of measures to ensure the protection of trade secrets. Accordingly, the object of research– the specificity of the organization of protection of information constituting a commercial secret. The study determined that the effectiveness of legal protection of the interests of the owner of trade secrets depends on the effectiveness and completeness of measures taken to maintain secrecy of the information. In accordance with a direct indication of the law, the existence of such measures is a necessary condition of recognition of information as a trade secret.

Formation of the market of educational services in the higher school structure Higher education in the conditions of market relations was transformed into the sphere of educational services. The article examines the stages of formation, and institutional features of the educational market in Russia.

We investigate the impact of modern social and economic conditions on its development. Stand out the relations between higher education and entrepreneurship, the impact on employment of graduates. Analyzes the financial possibilities of family expenses for training students, the impact of demographic changes in the country on a quantitative and qualitative training of future specialists in the Russia. Enhance the global competitiveness of Russian universities. The main directions of its transformation, related: with the exception of the planning progress; using common metrics thresholds; avoiding duplication of information from official statements; conduct additional indicators characterizing the global level of quality of training of students and ongoing research; the creation of a unified hierarchical system of indicators and its binding normative legal act of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In the course of the analysis of the identified issue, revealing the current level of investment attractiveness of municipalities. The authors within the concept of effective management of investment processes on the basis of the revenue-risk approach assessed the investment attractiveness of municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As shown by the results of the analysis, the current low level of investment attractiveness due to the use of specific competitive advantages of the territory and shifting priorities on traditional sources of growth, high level of investment attractiveness – developed industrial base, presence of transportation hubs, infrastructure. The Hegelian tradition in philosophical-aesthetic reflection of the conflict In the article the questions of development of the Hegelian interpretation of the conflict theory: special attention is paid to the analysis of the Hegelian approach of the French philosophers-naegeliana and aesthetic studies of the conflict.

The author concludes that philosophical and aesthetic dialogue with the Hegelian theory of the conflict is a kind of basis for a holistic perception, understanding and interpretation of artworks, and a twin-track process of creation-of knowledge. Specifics of consciousness manipulation in the legal sphere Authors examine the peculiar features of legal consciousness manipulation as one of the factors contributing to the growth of crime. We suggest that one of the conditions for successful change of attitudes in the process of manipulation is an underdevelopment of legal consciousness, as well as an implementation of the positivist approach to law, in which it is considered to be the source of the law itself or the will of the legislator, without taking into account the socio-cultural specifics of a particular society. The implementation of the principles of legal intersubjectivism is an effective measure to overcome the manipulations in the field of law.

Analyzes point of view on this issue of classics of science and modern researchers. Accepted understanding of the rite as a symbolic act, transfer-ring certain sociocultural meanings by forming the respective emotional States of the participants. The items used in the ceremony and a specially designed environment for him, conceptualized as the carriers of a certain spiritual content, and they contain certain properties, and stimulating programming that organizes people's behavior so that were deobjectivation of spiritual meaning and guidance in ritual actions. These features are elements of the rite are of great importance in theory and practice. Co-creation as a political technology: a methodology of resolving social conflicts The article discusses the possibility and application of the social conflict resolution technology 'co-creation' used in the XXI century in the marketing.

It is shown that the 'freezing', 'dialogue' and 'tolerance' as a way of addressing the conflict they say is only temporary and superficial effects. Themselves to eliminate sources of social conflict and further social progress is to 'co-creation' as a political technology based on the dialectical concept of creativity and providing a synthesis of incompatible positions by reaching a new level of existence of society, beneficial to all parties to the conflict. Confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus This article analyzes the problems of confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus.

The phenomenon of tolerance as well as factors it is based on, is one of the most urgent topics of the present day, attracting scientists from different fields. The survey of interconfessional relations for some decades shows that misunderstanding and conflicts often take place in multicultural society. The development of tolerance principles gets a special meaning in the conditions of North Caucasus, where live representatives of more than 100 nationalities, following Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

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