Soal Olimpiade Biologi Sma Tingkat Provinsi Bengkulu

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. Oce Datu Appulembang 2017-08-01 Full Text Available The objective of this research was to discover the process used in solving a superitem test which consisted of 4 stages according to the SOLO (Structure of Learning Outcomes Taxonomy, namely unistuctural, multistructural, relational, and extended abstract, and reviewed using the cognitive impulsive and reflective style. The research was qualitative research.

Kemudian mereka akan dikirim untuk mengikuti seleksi tingkat provinsi atau OSP dan kemudian akan diadu pada tingkat nasional OSN. Soal-soal yang kami bagikan tersebut merupakan soal-soal yang terdiri dari berbagai soal yang diujikan pada tingkatk OSK, OSP dan OSN SMA.

The main instrument of the research was the researcher himself guided by a superitem test, an impulsive-reflective cognitive test namely MFFT (Matching Familiar Figure Test, and a valid interview guideline. The subject of this research was the students of class X1 at SMA Negeri 1 Makale Tana Toraja consisting of four students in which 2 subjects were with cognitive impulsive style and 2 subjects with cognitive reflective style. The data was collected by giving a superitem test which was verified with an interview.

Margot Chima 2016-06-01 Full Text Available Background: Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs have been used to assess the clinical competence and interpersonal skills of healthcare professional students for decades. However, the relationship between preclinical (second year or M2 OSCE grades and clerkship performance had never been evaluated, until it was explored to provide information to educators at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC. In addition, the relationship between M2 OSCE communication scores (which is a portion of the total score and third-year (M3 Internal Medicine (IM clerkship OSCE scores was also explored. Lastly, conflicting evidence exists about the relationship between the amount of previous clinical experience and OSCE performance.

Therefore, the relationship between M3 IM clerkship OSCE scores and the timing of the clerkship in the academic year was explored. Methods: Data from UNMC M2 OSCEs and M3 IM clerkship OSCEs were obtained for graduates of the 2013 and 2014 classes.

Specifically, the following data points were collected: M2 fall OSCE total, M2 fall OSCE communication; M2 spring OSCE total, M2 spring OSCE communication; and M3 IM clerkship OSCE total percentages. Data were organized by class, M3 IM clerkship OSCE performance, and timing of the clerkship. Microsoft Excel and SPSS were used for data organization and analysis. Results: Of the 245 records, 229 (93.5% had data points for all metrics of interest.

Significant differences between the classes of 2013 and 2014 existed for average M2 spring total, M2 spring communication, and M3 IM clerkship OSCEs. Retrospectively, there were no differences in M2 OSCE performances based on how students scored on the M3 IM clerkship OSCE. M3 IM clerkship OSCE performance improved for those students who completed the clerkship last in the academic year. Conclusions: There were inconsistencies in OSCE performances between the classes of 2013 and 2014, but more information is needed to determine if. Chima, Margot; Dallaghan, Gary Beck 2016-01-01 Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) have been used to assess the clinical competence and interpersonal skills of healthcare professional students for decades. However, the relationship between preclinical (second year or M2) OSCE grades and clerkship performance had never been evaluated, until it was explored to provide information to educators at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC).

In addition, the relationship between M2 OSCE communication scores (which is a portion of the total score) and third-year (M3) Internal Medicine (IM) clerkship OSCE scores was also explored. Lastly, conflicting evidence exists about the relationship between the amount of previous clinical experience and OSCE performance.

Therefore, the relationship between M3 IM clerkship OSCE scores and the timing of the clerkship in the academic year was explored. Data from UNMC M2 OSCEs and M3 IM clerkship OSCEs were obtained for graduates of the 2013 and 2014 classes. Specifically, the following data points were collected: M2 fall OSCE total, M2 fall OSCE communication; M2 spring OSCE total, M2 spring OSCE communication; and M3 IM clerkship OSCE total percentages. Data were organized by class, M3 IM clerkship OSCE performance, and timing of the clerkship.

Microsoft Excel and SPSS were used for data organization and analysis. Of the 245 records, 229 (93.5%) had data points for all metrics of interest. Significant differences between the classes of 2013 and 2014 existed for average M2 spring total, M2 spring communication, and M3 IM clerkship OSCEs.

Retrospectively, there were no differences in M2 OSCE performances based on how students scored on the M3 IM clerkship OSCE. M3 IM clerkship OSCE performance improved for those students who completed the clerkship last in the academic year.

There were inconsistencies in OSCE performances between the classes of 2013 and 2014, but more information is needed to determine if this is because of testing variability or heterogeneity. Schmaltz, Martin Boston Univ., MA (United States).

Physics Dept. 2015-12-30 Marques Tavares was awarded a fellowship for his proposal “The ttbar asymmetry and beyond” to starting in September 2012. This is the final report summarizing the research activities and accomplishments achieved with this grant support. With support from the DOE graduate fellowship Marques Tavares, Katz and Xu at BU have investigated a new technique for obtaining quantitative results in strongly coupled field theories with broken conformal invariance. Such theories are especially interesting as they may be candidates for physics beyond the standard model with possible applications to strongly coupled electroweak symmetry breaking. However, because of the strong coupling even qualitative results about the spectrum of such theories are not rigorously understood. Chen, Wenshin 2010-01-01 Based on a student-centric perspective, this study seeks to understand how mobile technology influences students’ learning experiences.

Our research motivation is driven by the increasing attention paid to mobile technology in the research and business community. Set in a public university setting, our investigation seeks to shed light on how teaching and learning could be reshaped by mobile technology, most specifically, emerging tablet PCs. The findings, based on two MIS (Management Informa. Heron, Paula R.

2013-01-01 As part of the tutorial component of introductory calculus-based physics at the University of Washington, students take weekly pretests that consist of conceptual questions. Pretests are so named because they precede each tutorial, but they are frequently administered after lecture instruction. Many variables associated with class composition and prior instruction (if any) could, in principle, affect student performance on these questions. Nonetheless, the results are often found to be 'essentially the same' in all classes. With data available from a large number of classes, it is possible to characterize the typical variation quantitatively. In this paper three questions for which we have accumulated thousands of responses, from dozens of classes representing different conditions with respect to the textbook in use, the amount of prior instruction, etc., serve as examples.

For each question, we examine the variation in student performance across all classes. We also compare subsets categorized according to the amount of relevant prior instruction each class had received. A preliminary analysis suggests that the variation in performance is essentially random. No statistically significant difference is observed between results obtained before relevant instruction begins and after it has been completed. The results provide evidence that exposure to concepts in lecture and textbook is not sufficient to ensure an improvement in performance on questions that require qualitative reasoning. I KETUT SUDIARTA 2012-09-01 Full Text Available ABSRACT Training of Constructing Scientific Report on Social Major (Law has done on SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar, by the Guiding Team of the Lecturers of Law Faculty of Udayana University through a practice of constructing a report in a class through a workshop. Aproximately, 40% are for meanwhile, 60% are by practice of composing and providing some reference which is related to the constructing of a social-scientific report, and there all are done well so far.

This fact was indicated by the responds which were given by the students of SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar, especially for those who join the KIR group.This activity has been done once a week. Poelker, Katelyn E; Kuebli, Janet E 2014-01-01 Gratitude, although studied throughout history by scholars from diverse backgrounds, has been largely understudied in psychology until recently. The psychological literature on gratitude is expanding, but it is still particularly limited with children.

The authors compared younger (first- and second-grade students; n = 30) and older (fourth- and fifth-grade students; n = 27) children on gratitude-related ratings surrounding gift giving vignettes that included either a desirable (e.g., a birthday cupcake) or an undesirable (e.g., a melted ice cream cone) gift. Empathy was also measured. Hierarchical regressions revealed different patterns of predictors for desirable and undesirable gifts. For desirable gifts, liking significantly predicted gratitude and liking predicted effort. For undesirable gifts, older children and those who perceived the target as liking the gift more predicted higher gratitude ratings. Finally, higher gratitude rating predicted both higher ratings of giver effort (i.e., intention or how hard did the giver try to give a nice gift) and liking of the undesirable gifts.

199 Ventilation p. 144 Structures p. The barefoot architect a handbook for green building pdf files free. 194 Doors and windows p.

More research on children's understanding of gratitude is needed but these results suggest that school-aged children take into account givers' intentions and thoughts behind gift giving in determining feelings of gratitude. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed. Maria Andrea Lotho Santiago 2007-02-01 Full Text Available A dilemma administrators continually face is whether to continue offering degree programs despite low student uptake, especially because producing reliable cost data to aid decision making can prove difficult. Often, a university determines a standard cost per credit or unit and uses this figure as a basis for computing the total cost of running a degree program. This is then compared to a revenue stream and the difference, whether positive or negative, is used in decision making.

However, this method of computing costs, although appealing for its simplicity, may fail to capture the effects of economies that may arise as one school or college services another. Sweet james jones stories free zip download. In this paper, we use a basic cost accounting methodology applied to the higher education system of the Philippines to compute for a cost per degree per student for a sample of public and private universities.

Although the methodology is more time consuming, the computed figures are deemed closer to actual costs and, thus, we argue, are more reliable as inputs to financial decision making. Mullen, Rosemary.; Fleming, Anne.; McMillan, Laura.; Kydd, Angela.

2017-01-01 Background: Despite growing interest in the potential of nursing education to enhance dignity in nursingcare, relatively little is known about what dignity means to nursing students.Research question: What meaning does dignity in nursing care have for nursing students?Research design: Photo-elicitation was embedded within a Nominal Group Technique and responseswere analysed by qualitative and quantitative content analysis.Participants and research context: Participants were recruited from eac. Tanjung, Dini Syahroni 2015-01-01 Informasi yang disampaikan oleh SMA HANG TUAH BELAWAN selama ini disebarkan melalui brosur dan cara yang seperti itu kurang efektif. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah sistem informasi akademik ini agar penyampaian informasinya lebih efektif dan efisien. 092406181. David David 2016-06-01 Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengevaluasi SMA INS Kayutanam dan (2 menyusuan strategi pengembangan SMA INS Kayutanam berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif.

Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 siswa kelas X dan XI, satu kepala sekolah, empat wakil kepala sekolah, 30 guru, dua pembina asrama dan dua orang dari pemerintahan. Hasil penelitian dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu hasil evaluasi dan strategi pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi ditemukan bahwa ada beberapa komponen yang perlu perbaikan yaitu kurikulum, kompetensi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, fasilitas, peran serta masyarakat, dana dan organisasi.

Strategi pengembangan terdiri dari: (1 perumusan kurikulum terintegrasi yang memuat tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan yang diprakarsai oleh Sjafei; (2 perumusan metode mengajar yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan yang diprakasai Sjafei; (3 pengelolaan aset produktif dengan pemanfaatan modal sosial; (4 pemanfaatan basis alumni; (5 membangun kerja sama dengan instansi terkait seperti sekolah lain, pemerintah daerah, dan pihak swasta. Kata kunci: evaluasi, strategi pengembangan THE EVALUATION AND THE STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING INDONESISCH NEDERLANDSCHE SCHOOL (INS KAYUTANAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract The study was to: (1 evaluate the development of INS Kayutanam Senior High School; and (2 design the strategy to develop INS Kayutanam Senior High School based on the results of the evaluation. The approach used of in the study was quantitative and qualitative.

The data source in the study was 50 students from the X grade and the XI grade, one principal, four vice principals, 30 teachers, two dormitory advisors and two government representatives. The results of the study were divided into two groups namely the evaluation results and the development strategies.

Based on the results of the study, the researcher found that there were several. Syarifuddin, Ruisya 2015-01-01 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik pada SMA Swasta Hang Tuah Belawan ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses pencarian atau searching data dan informasi untuk seluruh Siswa SMA Swasta Hang Tuah Belawan yang mengalami kesulitan dalam memperoleh data mengenai masalah Akademik tersebut. Faasilitas yang terdapat dalam aplikasi ini berupa penyediaan data dan informasi mengenai beritaberita terbaru, profil agenda kegiatan, dan data-data yang berguna untuk kelangsungan belajar si. Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul; Heri Retnawati 2017-01-01 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kelas yang berupa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan/kepemimpinan dan pengevaluasian dari pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5, 8 dan 9 Yogyakarta dengan subjek data adalah kepala sekolah, guru kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa. Untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan pedoman observasi dan pedom.

Colley, D.L. 1993-10-01 This is a student hand-book an Occupational Safety Compliance in DOE. Topics include the following: Electrical; materials handling & storage; inspection responsibilities & procedures; general environmental controls; confined space entry; lockout/tagout; office safety, ergonomics & human factors; medical & first aid, access to records; construction safety; injury/illness reporting system; and accident investigation procedures. Tan, Liang See; Lee, Shu Shing; Ponnusamy, Letchmi Devi; Koh, Elizabeth Ruilin; Tan, Keith Chiu Kian 2016-01-01 Researchers have argued for the importance of the classroom context in developing students' creative potential.

However, the emphasis on a performative learning culture in the classroom does not favour creativity. Thus, how creative potential can be realised as one of the educational goals in the classrooms remains a key question.

This study. Radoff, Sara 2011-01-01 In this article, I show that the intersection between education policy and immigration law in the United States sustains a permanent underclass and reinforces the deliberate disenfranchisement of students without authorized immigration status. I critically analyze the Supreme Court case 'Plyler s. Doe', and I suggest the DREAM Act as a means for. Colley, D.L. 1993-01-01 This is a student hand-book an Occupational Safety Compliance in DOE. Topics include the following: Electrical; materials handling ampersand storage; inspection responsibilities ampersand procedures; general environmental controls; confined space entry; lockout/tagout; office safety, ergonomics ampersand human factors; medical ampersand first aid, access to records; construction safety; injury/illness reporting system; and accident investigation procedures.

Sunaryo Sunaryo 2015-12-01 Full Text Available Abstract Has conducted research on the effects of light intensity on the output voltage, current, and power. Research conducted generate data in the form of quantitative and graphs that show a link between the intensity of light, the output voltage, current, and power. The data obtained were used as sources of learning in senior high school ( SMA. The implication is capable of enhancing creativity, motivation and learning outcomes of Physics subject of high school students in future studies.

Keywords: light intensity, current, voltage, solar panel Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh intensitas cahaya terhadap tegangan output, arus, dan daya listrik. Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan data dalam bentuk kuantitatif dan grafik yang menunjukkan adanya kaitan antara intensitas cahaya, tegangan output, arus, dan daya listrik. Data yang diperoleh dijadikan sebagai sumber informasi dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Atas ( SMA.

Implikasinya adalah mampu meningkatkan kreativitas, motivasi, dan hasil belajar Fisika siswa SMA pada penelitian selanjutnya. Kata-kata kunci: intensitas cahaya, arus, tegangan, panel surya. Hidayatulloh Hidayatulloh 2016-09-01 Full Text Available This article examines about improving the education quality of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo as the Outstanding School of Muhammadiyah.

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Berdasarkan hasil seleksi Olimpiade Sains (OSN SMA) tingkat Provinsi 2018, telah terseleksi Daftar Peserta OSN SMA Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2018 (Juara OSN SMA Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2018). Pengumuman OSK SMA Tahun 2019 Kota Pematang Siantar. Pengumuman Jadwal dan Hasil PPG 2019 Hasil PPG 2019. (MASS), 180 di SMA A. Selamat Kami Ucapakan kepada adek-adek Petunjuk Pelaksanaan dan Silabus OSN SMP Tahun 2019. Periksa Olimpiade Astronomi Sma Osn ori dan Olimpiade Astronomi Sma Osn kw sebelum membeli.

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Pengumuman Peserta OSN SMP Tingkat Nasional 2018. Online– Setelah melaksanakan seleksi Penerimaan Santri Baru tahun akademik 2018/2019 gelombang pertama, tibalah saatnya hari ini batas waktu pengumuman hasil seleksi. Jateng 2015 seleksi osn mulai dari sd, seleksi osn sma kota yogyakarta daftar peringkat osn tingkat smp kabupaten bekasi pengumuman (osk).