Baza Zhitelej Ukraini 2017
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Tendencies of development of international legal state cooperationparticipants of the commonwealth of independent states in the sphere of providing an ecological safety In article the overview of modern international legal regulation of an ecological safety in the Commonwealth of Independent States is provided. Basic provisions of international agreements and acts of the model legislation of Inter-parliamentary assembly of the state Sides of the Commonwealth in the sphere of environmental protection and an ecological safety are researched. The conclusion with model legal acts is drawn on requirement of harmonization of a national ecological system of law. The system of marketing authorization of medicines in the frameworks of the single market of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union: comparative law research Marketing authorization is one of the important institutes of access to the single market.
In the process of registration conformity with quality, assurance and efficiency that are sufficient for circulation within the single market is examined. The system of marketing authorization in the Eurasian Economic Union is based upon model of the European internal market. The marketing authorization of medicines in the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union is built on the same principles and is carried out in the similar forms (a decentralized procedure and a mutual recognition procedure).At the same time in virtue of differences in the degree of integration there are some specific features that may influence the circulation of medicines on the single market.
First of all, the sedifference sare connected withinteraction bet ween countrie sin the frame worksof the single market. The competition between legal orders aimed at involvement of pharmaceuticals developers, a lack of clear criteria for refusal to recognize the marketing authorization granted in another country, an ineffective system of resolution of disputes between states in the course of registration, a determination of interchangeability of medicines on the national level – all these aspects can affect freedom of the circulation of pharmaceuticals in the frameworks of medicines as well as have an negative impact on the quality, assurance and efficiency of pharmaceuticals circulating on the single market. The order of International court of justice on the application of the international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (provisional measures, Ukraine vs. Russia) The author presents a brief overview of the ICJ Order of 19 April 2017 on Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Provisional Measures, Ukraine v. Russia) and accompanies it with several comments. In his opinion, Ukraine's position is unprepared and Russia's position is too expectant.
The position of the Court appears to be a compromise and therefore acceptable for both Ukraine and Russia. Some conclusions of the Court, however, seem unconvincing. In general, the Order is not a significant event both in the legal sense and in the political sense. He proposes to review the established in doctrine co-relation of principles constructing adequate legal hierarchy between them. This, according to author, could be considered as a New International Law base which would allow to solve many of the existing International Law problems and to get in future a more efficient International Law system. As a main goal of a New International Law the author sees a harmony of rights and legal interests of peoples of all states in accordance with the rights and legal interests of a mankind as a whole. International legal problems of the european notary in the member states of the EU The article analyzes some of the most urgent problems of European enforcement of legal norms in the field of notarial activity.
On the basis of the experience of the Notaries in France, the Netherlands, the UK and several countries in Eastern Europe, as well as individual decisions of the European Court of the authors identify the main obstacles to the integration processes in the field of notarial activity in the EU. On the matter of the immunities of judges of international criminal tribunals The article examines the issue of the immunities of judges of international criminal tribunals on the example of the situation that arose as a result of the arrest of a judge of the UN Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT), established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1966 in 2010. The arrest of Judge Aidyn Akay, Turkish citizen, by the Turkish authorities, raised a number of important legal issues, in particular, the question of the immunity of a judge of the international tribunal regarding the jurisdiction of the State of his nationality on matters not related to the performance of his duties at the tribunal. The author arguing that the President of the MICT T.Meron, reporting the Republic of Turkey of non-cooperation with the tribunal, has not presenting the convincing legal justification for his action. Moreover, the blocking by the MICT President of the trial of A. Ngibaratware in connection with the arrest of Judge Akay also had not received any convincing legal justification.
The author suggests a number of possible measures that would allow the case to be continued on the one hand, without worsening the situation of Judge Akay, on the other. Criminally-legal means of combating illegal migration in the legislation of individual EU countries The article analyzes the system of criminal law measures to combat illegal migration in the European countries most attractive for migrants in social and economic terms, (France, Germany, Italy, England).
The conclusion is that the majority of foreign countries show in their legislation a tendency to expand the means to counter illegal migration by establishing criminal liability for various violations of immigration law, which is predetermined by the reaction of the legislator on a relatively new phenomenon in the contemporary reality of illegal migration. The concept and features of international integration communities The approach to defining international integration requires specificity to understand the number of organizations that fall under this definition. The importance of the study stemmed from a scientific-theoretical necessity of understanding the nature and place of international integration organizations, in international relations, and in the science of international law.
Moreover, this study has applied value, since in many international legal instruments of integration enterprises (in different variations of definitions) are singled out as special subjects of international agreements, accordingly, you must clearly understand what organizations should be attributed to the integration associations. The transition of Nagorno Karabakh Republic into modern presidential system by the constitution of 2017 The article is about the adoption of the first constitution of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. It provides the main disadvantages of the system of the government of that constitution. Afterwards, the author describes the new Constitution of Artsakh Republic through providing the actual reasons of not adopting parliamentarian system of government and essential characteristics of the presidential system provided by it. Foreign policy strategy of the EU towards South Caucasus republics In 1992, the EU launched the formation of its overall foreign policy.
Despite the fact that this policy is established at the intergovernmental level, the main objective was the development of a common perception of the external world and coordinated actions in the international arena. In connection with this approach, appropriate tools were produced that would be used to achieve these goals. As soon as the EU had shaped its policy, one of the regions with the countries of which this organization developed relations was the former Soviet Union or the Newly Independent States. Relations between the EU and NIS formed in accordance with the geopolitical realities and New World Order that evolved following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Debatable of presence of a reconstructive function of legal responsibility. Definition of responsibility as the punishment of crimes and offenses is more typical for domestic literature.
The authors express their disagreement with this position suggesting that in addition to the punishment an integral part of the legal liability is restoring violated rights and freedoms or the appropriate compensation. In order to justify this point of view the article analyzes the action of reconstructive function of criminal, administrative and civil liability; shows the views of some scholars on the subject.
Finally, it was indicated the need to improve the institute of the legal responsibility within the framework of the current legal and victimology policy aimed at protecting the rights and interests of victims of crime. The enlighteners of Russia on the integration of the peoples of the North Caucasus in the russian state and legal space The article is devoted to educational activities representatives of the progressive Russian intelligentsia in the North Caucasus. It examines the contribution of Russian scientists in development of scientific and legal and educational foundations of education for mountain peoples of Northern Caucasus in the second half of the nineteenth century for the civilized occurrence of the peoples of the region into a single state and legal space of Russia. They did everything possible to engage indigenous people in the region to cultural and legal values of Russian and world civilization.
Given the different methodological approaches and evaluation in domestic and foreign historiography on the challenges of entering the North Caucasus into the Russian Empire, notes that the tsarist government pursued not only colonialist, but also civil targets, including the peoples of the region in a unified national legal space of Russia. The historical aspect of counteraction to sects and other nontraditional religious associations destructive nature until the nineteenth century The article discusses the determinants that shaped the establishment and development of justice for crimes against religion and Church. While attention has been legislative acts of the pre-revolutionary period of Russia's development. In addition, the author conducts a comparative analysis of sanctions, an attempt was made to determine the effectiveness of the penalties for committing these crimes. Expressive means of language and literary devices in the speech of forensic orators of XIX century The article raises the question of the appropriateness of using expressive means and literary devices of the Russian language in courtroom speech. Many lawyers openly state that the success of a courtroom speech depends on the ability of the forensic orator to use expressive means. Other lawyers, on the contrary, argue that the 'decoration' of the courtroom speech hinders the perception of the factual material of the case.
Relying upon the works of such great Russian writers as A. Chekhov and F. Dostoevsky and upon the material of courtroom speeches given by prominent Russian lawyers, namely S. Andreevsky, A. Porokhovshchikov, the author of the article proves the necessity of using certain language means creating expressiveness in the courtroom speech. The constitutionality of some political rights restrictions for persons with dual citizenship The aim of this work is the elucidation of the phenomenon of dual citizenship and the legal status of persons having legalization of permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state, in the context of possible limitations of political rights related to participation in managing state Affairs. The author points out that in terms of political rights, the status of dual citizenship and the legal status of persons with documents about the possibility of permanent residence in a foreign country there are similar processes.
Citizenship is considered as a phenomenon of immunity to specific persons from the automatic impact of external threats. The author applied methods of interpretation. Introduction of regulation of state and municipal services as the basis of improvement of the management system in Russia The quality of public administration today is one of the key factors in the successful development of Russia. Modern administrative reform has given a new impetus to the development of both theoretical and applied foundations for improving the effectiveness of public administration. Among the factors influencing the results of public administration, it should be noted the development of the institution of administrative procedures. The process of regulating public services in Russia was launched as part of the administrative reform. Before the reform, there were no uniform standards for public services.
This significantly reduced the quality of the provision of services, because the deadlines for their provision, the list of required documents, and the grounds for refusal were not established. With the introduction of regulations, it became possible to eliminate a number of problems that existed in matters of public administration. Theoretical and legal aspects of Government inland waterways in Russia An analysis of concepts of management of the state inland water transport in Russia leads to the study of the concept of governance in the broadest sense through the prism of the practical impact of the state on the work of the water transport special regulatory bodies. And in a narrow sense through hands-on activities of the Federal executive authorities. Attention is paid to the opinion of the scientific community on this matter. As a General conclusion, the article proposes at the legislative level to introduce a special concept of state management in inland waterway transport – institutional and administrative system of measures of state Executive authorities of the Russian Federation aimed at creating conditions for the effective operation of internal water transport, as well as the best state control over the safety of the transport of goods and passengers.
Interaction of society and power at the level of local self-government An acceptable balance in the interaction between society and power has always been an important factor in the stability and stability of social development. This article analyzes the problems of interacting society and power in modern Russia at the level of local selfgovernment, proposes legislative support for its effective functioning and interaction with civil society. The main methods for achieving results are formal legal, systemic, functional, statistical, logical methods of analysis and synthesis.
Some forms of public-private partnerships:a comparative legal analysis The article is devoted to the study of individual forms of public-private partnerships. The comparative analysis of forms of partnerships in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is concluded that the effective implementation of partnerships between public and private entities to implement socially important needs is possible only if a clear separation in legislation of such partnerships, as these forms will outline the possible name of the interaction. Importance of the norms of the international labor law on migration in the Russian Federation This article is devoted to the analysis of characteristic features of international labor relations in the field of public law. The author points to the ways of integrating international law into Russian legislation. Factors of the effectiveness of international labor acts are considered, emphasis is placed on the factors of effectiveness of regional acts based on the example of the work of the EAEC. The author considers the importance of the norms of international labor law for migration to the Russian Federation.
Of procurement activities, among which the principle of the customer's professionalism is quite seriously emphasized. The article examines approaches to the development of professional competencies of specialists performing centralized purchases. The ability to predict possible effects and risks of the centralization of purchases is formed when training customers in research skills, which allows the methods of scientific foresight and expert assessments to calculate the need for centralized procurement. The implementation of strategic planning in relationship with budgeting, result-oriented The article is an attempt to summarize the results of the reform of the budget system of the municipal formation on the basis of application of program-target method. Introduction in budgetary process of program-target methods allows to optimize the limited resources of the local budget, to increase the effectiveness of the state and quality of the services provided. To the ongoing reform of local government involves the launch of the budget-legal mechanism to ensure rapid socio-economic development of municipalities. Zakljuchenie Schetnoj palaty RF na proekt Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Bjudzhetnyj kodeks RF (v chasti dolgosrochnogo bjudzhetnogo planirovanija) i priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh polozhenij zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Bjudzhetnyj kodeks RF v chasti regulirovanija bjudzhetnogo processa i privedenii v sootvetstvie s bjudzhetnym zakonodatel'stvom RF otdel'nyh zakonodatel'nyh aktov RF».
Oficial'nyj sajt Schetnoj palaty Rossijskoj Federacii, 2014. Jelektronnyj resurs. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: ). The introduction of the institute of criminal liability of legal entities in the Russian Federation The subject of the study are the current provisions of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on the conditions of criminal liability in terms of their sufficiency and effectiveness in the fight against transnational organized drug crime. The object of the study are public relations that arise when transnational drug crimes are committed with the participation of Russian and foreign legal entities, as well as in connection with the identification, disclosure and investigation of these drug crimes. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition, general methods of scientific cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, systemstructural approach, logical), a special method – content analysis of statistical data, private scientific methods (methods of interpretation of legal norms, dogmatic- Legal, comparative law). The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, based on the materials of the practice of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, conclusions are drawn on the actual role of legal entities in the mechanism of transnational organized criminal drug trafficking.
Current problems in the detection and disclosure of fraud in the sphere of computer information The article reveals one of the types of transnational crime – the fraud in the sphere of computer information. Special attention is given to some problems arising in the identification, detection and investigation of fraud in the sphere of computer information, including ways to overcome problems in the interaction between operational units of the expert institutions of the Russian interior Ministry and investigative agencies. Keywords: crime investigation, forensic characteristics of a crime, criminal proceedings, investigation, tortures, forensic methodology. Work bibliographic list 1.
Metodika rassledovanija istjazanij: Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. Special'nost': 12.00.09 – Ugolovnyj process; Kriminalistika i sudebnaja jekspertiza;Operativno -rozysknaja dejatel'nost'; Nauch. Kuznecov; Ministerstvo vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. Omskaja akademija. Bibliogr.: s. Improvement of legal regulation of the procedure election of a measure of restraint in form of detention in the absence of the wanted accused In the article the questions of the improvement of legal regulation of the procedure election of a measure of restraint in form of detention in the absence of the wanted accused.
The article focuses on the problem associated with the inability of the absentee election indicated a preventive measure, in cases where sought was not declared in the international search. Suggests ways of its solution. Admissibility of evidence in the criminal process The process of proving in a criminal case consists of several stages: collection, research, verification and evaluation. As a result of assessing evidence for their relevance, admissibility, sufficiency and reliability, one can judge the suitability of one or another evidence to substantiate the position of the prosecution or the defense. In judicial practice, the question of recognizing evidence as unacceptable is of no small importance, and in this connection we considered it expedient to consider this issue. Professional and personal qualities of the investigator (interrogator), applicable in communication with the interrogated suspect (accused) (on the basis of the socialogical survey) The article considers various reasons for distrust to the investigator (interrogator) during interrogation with participants of criminal proceedings, as well as the factors influencing the establishment of communicative (or psychological) contact.
Based on the results of a sociological survey of investigators (interrogators) and prisoners of the correctional colony, the image of an 'ideal' investigator was built. Crimes in the housing and communal sphere as an object of criminal-legal analysis The article is devoted to the criminal-legal aspects of the analysis of crimes committed in the housing and communal sphere. The article considers housing and communal services as an object of criminal-legal analysis. Approaches to the classification of crimes committed in this sphere are considered: from the position of the structure of housing and communal services and from the standpoint of the aggregate of criminal law norms that are violated through the commission of these crimes. The issue of providing state guarantees for the protection of persons assisting the bodies conducting operative investigation activity Abstract: the article analyses certain current issues relating to the promotion of citizens to the bodies implementing operative investigative activities, which in the opinion of the author, should pay the most attention. Discusses the rules of the Federal law 'On operational-investigative activities' in terms of ensuring social and legal protection of citizens, contributing to the bodies conducting operative-search activity. Indicates a negative evaluation of the community activity data.
Suggests some ways of addressing the issues under consideration. Currently a court case with the procedural part of the subject of the medical activities have become particularly frequent. A large number of court cases in civil proceedings arises when the alleged negligent attitude of health workers towards their duties. Investigated the mechanism of carrying out of judicial examination, the result of which is always based on many factors, ranging from characteristics of the equipment of medical institutions to the professionalism of its staff. It is noted that the issue of noncompliance with the requirements of the quality of the provided health care can appear when service level does not correspond to modern norms and standards. Electronic passport in criminal proceedings When replacing the paper medium information on the form of an electronic document, information technology needed for its identification and the identification of the performer.
For example, deployed on the territory of the Russian Federation, e-passport technology, a biometric identity card, examined its significance and possible use in criminal proceedings. Recent changes in the current procedural legislation aimed at regulating the use of electronic documents in activity of judicial authorities. The electronic passport will allow you to identify any participant in the criminal process and the signing of electronic documents, and can also continue with the production of official identity cards of the subjects of proof and the administration of justice. The research draws the attention of researchers and practitioners on the need for clarification of the theory of proof and improvement of certain norms of the criminal procedure law in the implementation of the technology in the territory of the Russian Federation. Keywords: specialist, expertise, competence, expert, conclusion, expert opinion, investigator, investigator, court, knowledgeable person.
Work bibliographic list 1. Raz'jasnenija ob osobennosti privlechenija specialista dlja proizvodstva sudebnoj jekspertizy v otdel'nyh vidah sudoproizvodstva soderzhatsja v postanovlenijah (obzorah) vysshih sudebnyh organov.
Sm., naprimer: Postanovlenie Plenuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 20 dekabrja 2006 g. # 66 «O nekotoryh voprosah praktiki primenenija arbitrazhnymi sudami zakonodatel'stva ob jekspertize» // Vestnik Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. Some aspects of procedural peculiarities of proceedings in the cases about the persecution of paternity In the article procedural features of consideration by courts of cases about challenging paternity are analyzed. It is argued that some limitations of dispositive rights in such cases are caused by the public interest of the state in protecting the rights of the child, because of the obligations assumed. Based on the analysis of judicial practice in such cases, conclusions are drawn about the need to legislate the inadmissibility of recognizing the suit in such cases, as well as the priority importance of the child's interest, which determines the prevalence of the principle of legal certainty over biological reality. Condemned on private life' is analysed, basic elements of this concept are allocated. Besides, authors provide data of the questioning of the minors condemned, serving sentence in the form of imprisonment, and also of the staff of correctional facility concerning the content of the concept 'the right of the minor condemned on private life' which is carried out by them.
Also in the article need of formation of the private sphere of the minors serving imprisonment for their subsequent successful resocialization is proved. About political regime in the federal state The idea of federalism initially assumes the existence of a democratic regime of power in the state and is therefore directly related to the need to separate state power not only from the horizon, but from the vertical. Despite the fact that the theory of division of power was based on a horizontal division of power into legislative, executive and judicial powers, there was also a need for vertical separation-the division of power between the center and the territories, provinces, and so on. Therefore, the appearance on the geopolitical horizon of the federal state is directly related to the development of democratic foundations in the state-legal development of society, the establishment of natural rights, the establishment of constitutionalism and the formation of civil society. Today, for Russia further scientific development of the idea of federalism is necessary so that it does not turn into an empire again, so that the subjects of the Russian Federation will not allow the central state power to turn back to democratic ways of development. At the same time, real federalism is possible only in terms of the rule of law and the social regulation, because the rule of law is not simply a state that complies with laws. It is a symbiosis of society and the state that recognizes the right as a measure of freedom and justice, historically developing in the public consciousness, expressed precisely in laws, by-laws and the practice of realizing human rights and freedoms.
Keywords: investment organization, investments, IFRS (IAS) 39 'Financial instruments: recognition and assessment', consolidated statements of the investment organization, fair value of investment, investment portfolio, profitability of investments. Work bibliographic list 1. Muhamadijarova A. K., Sibagatullina R. Uchet arendnyh otnoshenij v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnymi standartami finansovoj otchetnosti // Vestnik BIST (Bashkirskogo instituta social'nyh tehnologij). The unambiguous size of an indicator of innovative potential or to answer at least a question whether the size of innovative potential for achievement of a goal of innovative development by the company is sufficient?
Corel videostudio x6 keygen. In this regard authors suggest to apply the formalized method deprived of the subjectivity as in expert methods. It is offered to apply a method of complex assessment, namely calculation of average geometrical size on the basis of private indicators of innovative capacity of the company and their ratios to the corresponding indicators of the standard company. Consulting market in Russia: insight and development tendencies Consulting as service proved oneself to be a comprehensive source of theoretical and practical knowledge of modern market economy and methods of doing business.
At the same time that of consulting industry market reflects the state of national economy in general. Global crisis of 2008-2009 influenced the consulting industry significantly, however some of the companies were able to gain profit from services that are especially in demand during crisis. The article includes general characteristics and insight into Russian consulting market at legal and macroeconomic levels at the beginning of 2016. Furthermore, market dynamics in post-crisis period is analyzed based on absolute and relative indexes of turnover growth rates of consulting companies in various market segments. The article includes instances of consulting services essential at different moments of post-crisis period. The aim of the research is to highlight development tendencies for the following 2-3 years based on the author’s analysis performed, data of rating agencies and experts’ opinions.
Legal aspects of startups This article addresses issues related to startups as a Russian civil turnover new concept. In this article concepts of various authors are considered and a new vision on this issue is proposed based on their scholar writings. A number of features of startups and their difference from traditional business stands out. Also, the issue of legal regulation of this sphere of activity addresses.
This article gives an idea about the future of the legislation regulating the activities of startups, business incubators and venture funds, address the concept of 'crowdfunding'. Conducted historical analysis of changes in the definition of 'investment' from the perspective of national legislators (in the USSR and Russia). Selected and described in detail the main components of the concept of 'investment'. Such a classification of the investments based on the thematic analysis of the literature. Paid special attention to the types of investments on the most known classification criterion such as the scope of their direction. As a result of this study the author attempted to clarify the concept of 'investment'.
Development and effective use of labor resources policy The article considers the problems of the development and effective use of labor resources. The article emphasizes that more resources and efforts should be directed to the implementation of the policy of conservation and further development as well as effective use of labor resources that allow to ensure the progressiveness and progressivity of the of society development. The article notes that creative work at different levels in modern conditions, is called upon to participate in the modernization and improvement of production. Increase in competitiveness and efficiency of functioning of independent business in oil production is proved. Possible solutions of the available problems in the field of stimulation of activities of independent oil companies are considered.
The comparative assessment of various schemes of the taxation is given in application to the project of development of a small oil field. Work bibliographic list 1. Vygon G., Savchik E., Rubcov A. Est' li budushhee u sektora rossijskih nezavisimyh neftjanyh kompanij?
Jenergeticheskij centr Moskovskoj shkoly upravlenija Skolkovo, fevral' 2014 g. Transnational business risks for the Russian economy:the case of “Sberbank” Transnational business implies not only advantages, such as improving international cooperation, access to foreign markets, opportunities for portfolio diversification, etc., but also significant business risks. On the example of PJSC 'Sberbank', please, see analysis of its assets by segment, including in the context of countries. In conclusion, there was also a conclusion made on the pros and cons of transnational business in connection with the sale of the Ukrainian subsidiary of PJSC 'Sberbank'. Comparative characteristics of the business environment of border regions of Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan The subjects of small and medium business functioning in regions of the Russian-Kazakhstan border-zone have a number of advantages in the form of a possibility of entry into the market of a neighboring state. At the same time, working conditions of businessmen in two states are differing. Representatives of small and medium business of the Russian-Kazakhstan border-zone consider the possibilities of registration in the Kazakhstan jurisdiction as the in-strument of tax decrease and other load.
The article gives an analysis of the conditions for the functioning of entrepreneurs in the border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The solution of the demographic problem is the why of national security The problem of demography today is directly connected with the environmental culture of man. Because of the person in the world there is a crisis, one manifestation of which is the demographic crisis.
Overcoming demographic and ecological crises is possible only through the revival of historical and national identity. The principle of humanism is the only way of reproduction of human health, as well as overcoming the demographic crisis on the philosophical and methodological basis.
Philosophical understanding of values within the framework of comprehension of culture and phenomenological reduction Article is devoted to the analysis of the place and a role of the general theory of values (axiology) in system of philosophical knowledge, and also to definition of value of values in the world of culture. The theoretical research of values allows to establish methodological opportunities of an axiology in creation of social and philosophical model of life, understanding of fundamental problems of communication of culture, society and the person. Modern world and the main factor in the formation of public opinion, culture, worldview and, of course, value orientations. A lot of researchers were interested and interested in how the media influence the value orientations of young people.
Values are passed on to the younger generation through education and together with cultural experience. Changes that occur in the individual under the influence of the media are both positive and negative, since there is the availability of information that has a destructive effect on development. The essence and specifics of formation of spiritually-moral qualities of today’s youth What is happening in society is complex and controversial renovation processes, liberalization and democratization by Western standards led to the fall of spirituality, values disorientation, loss of life orientations, especially young people, to the mainstreaming of such social ills as terrorism, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, etc. All these phenomena point to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the spiritual and moral qualities of a modern young man given its controversial nature, caused, primarily, by the change of value orientations of personality.
The dichotomy of “elite-mass” in the publications of the representatives of the political party “United Russia” In the article based on the analysis of publications of the political party 'United Russia' characterized the relationship between the elite and the rest of the population of modern Russia. Described attributed to the population on the part of the elite group of social and psychological qualities. It identified some elements of self-positioning of the ruling elite and interelitist interactions. The possible consequences for the public administration (and political governance) features of perception formed opposing social groups. To the question about the relationship of loneliness and social individualization This article is devoted to analysis of social phenomena such as loneliness and individualism. Phenomena among themselves, as is commonly believed, traditionally, are very closely interconnected. It is believed that the individualism is the main social determinant, or even the cause of loneliness.
The author comes to the conclusion that the social individual can only be considered as a prerequisite for determining the mass character of loneliness and promotes deep rooting in the soul of man, but not the basic premise of loneliness. Factor and the levels of temporality in the context of the subjective reality of a person The article discusses various aspects of the factor of temporality and its different levels.
It is shown that the internal level of the concept of temporality is formed on the individual level, which is usually called subjective reality. Reveals the synthesis of the internal and external levels of temporality.
Shown features shaped models that define the individual reality of people's lives from the point of view of the different dimensions of time.